Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Kid Got Stuck On The Escalator

A kid's hands got caught on the escalator's handrail. It was at the bottom part of the step already. He was screaming in pain and wanting to take his hand off but his fingers were stuck. A helpful guy turned off the emergency button to stop the escalator. His mom came over to help him but to no avail. Wanting to help, I called mall guards attention. About 5 guards came over and help the little boy. In a few minutes, the boy was free. What a sigh of relief. I pitied the little boy who got stuck but there's not much that I can do but listen to his painful screams. Watching that poor little guy made me so helpless. I was thinking what if that was my little boy? I would have panicked already. The little boy's mom was at fault for not watching her little boy playing near the escalator but she was also busy tending to the boy's sister and brother. Yes the lady was bringing 3 small kids to the mall. I assume one was about 8mos. old because she was carrying him while helping out his other son who might be 3 and his big sister who's 4, I think. Part of the problem was the mother of 3 did not bring a companion to help her out watch her kid. Another problem was that the escalator was situated near a child's play zone. A mall attendant said that a lot of kids get stuck on that area. All I can say is that, always watch your kid or kids! If you can't handle them then don't bring them to the mall. Its really heartbreaking to see a kid stuck on the escalator.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

When Your Baby Gets Hospitalized

My 11-month old son was having difficulty breathing. I went to the pediatrician to let her check what was wrong. She decided that I must immediately bring him to the nearest hospital. He was having an asthma attack. It was my first time admitting my child to a hospital. Every parent does not want to see their kids in pain. To me, watching my kid being struck with needles was terrifying to watch. I tried to be brave about the whole experience. Here are a few tips that a parent must take note when bringing their kids to the hospital:

1. Make sure you're paying attention to what the nurses/the ones attending to your child are doing. Don't be afraid to asks questions. You must have an idea that these people know what they are doing. Unfortunately, I was not paying much attention when my son was first admitted. I did not notice at first that an intern was attending to my son and not the resident nurse. The intern had a hard time looking for my son's vein so that they could attach the dextrose on him. He kept on pushing the needle even twisting it. I was shocked at what he was doing. My son was screaming to the extent that he was already vomiting and turning blue. I asked the intern to stop what he was doing that instant. I picked up my son and told the hospital staff that I'm no longer admitting my kid into that hospital. I resident doctor apologized and asked for a second chance. This time the resident nurse was the one who administered the shot. It was done perfectly this time. My son had an asthma attack but I never brought him to that hospital again. That experience was really traumatic for me. But the second time my son got hospitalized, I chose a hospital who had a nice reputation because of how the staff would treat the patient

2. Bring an mp3 player or anything that can play soothing music especially children songs.
Good thing I was bringing my phone that has an mp3 player. I played kid's songs while the nurses were attending to my son. That calmed him down and also made things easier. The music was a great way to distract him from all the fuss that was happening ( the screaming of the kid's from the other cubicle). Even the child on the other cubicle was singing to the songs playing on my phone.

3. Pray.

Blogging-My First Time!

This is my first time to blog. Hurray! I'd like to congratulate myself for finally doing something I should have done a long time ago. They say blogging is like having your own diary so i think doing this would be easy aside from being enjoyable. Do you have a feeling like you're talking to yourself when doing a blog? We'll I hope everyone is also feeling this way, or else I might think I'm crazy. To blogging old timers and newbies like me, enjoy writing!