Wednesday, May 9, 2012

An Evening with Dionne Warwick in Cebu

Dionne Warwick's concert was held last November 28, 2010 at Waterfront Cebu.  A night of singing my favorite classics like  “Don’t Make Me Over,” “Do You Know The Way To San Jose,” “Walk On By,” “You’ll Never Get To Heaven,” “Alfie,” “I Say A Little Prayer,” and many many more.  These are the songs that will never grow old.  Timeless!

Jollibee Party for your Kids

the wacky trio at Jollibee Mango singing "Nobody  by the Wonder Girls"


the celebrant and his cousin
My youngest son's birthday is coming up.  A jollibee party sounds fun and practical so i searched online on how much a party would cost.  Luckily, I stumbled upon a site that would do just that. Jollibee Party Planner , now I have an estimate on how much money I would need for that upcoming party.  My eldest son celebrated his 2nd birthday at Jollibee too.  Here are the pictures from his Jollibee birthday Adventure.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Annebisyosa in Cebu

Jon Santos providing comic relief in between the show

Yes, it is proven that she doesn't have the voice of an angel but she has captured us with her charm.  The concert in Cebu wasn't as "bongga" as the one she had in Manila since Vice Ganda, Derek Ramsey, Christine Reyes, was not one of her guest.  Luis Manazano, Mark Bautista and Jon Santos were her guests.  It was ok since we came for Anne and for her "ungreat" singing.  It was a fun concert since every time she goes out of tune, fumbles on the lyrics and screams out the songs people would cheer on! What she lacked in singing she makes up for the audience impact....hehehe

Gin Blossoms in Cebu 11.20.10

I didn't have clear pictures since i was still adjusting to my camera settings.  But this is one of the good pictures I have.  They played my favorite songs, " Hey Jealousy, Follow you Down, Til I hear it from you... and many many more.... The place was jam packed!

Vertical Horizon in Cebu- Everything you want

 The concert was held during April 29, 2012 at the Waterfront Hotel in Cebu.  This band still has it.  One of the coolest concert I have been too.  They sounded great live.  it's like listening to your new unscratched CD.  That's how good they were.

You're a God

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hidden Paradise in San Fernando Cebu

A mountain resort located on the mountain side of San Fernando Cebu.  It has about 4 swimming pools and room accommodations for guests staying overnight.  One of their main attraction is the "Zipsplash" where you ride the zipline and it releases you into the swimming pool.